Christmas in Seagoe

It’s Christmas in Seagoe and there is a lot going on for the children to enjoy. Here is a reminder of some of the events to keep an eye on this December: P1-3 Nativity: Tue 11th @ 9.45am and 11am P4-7 Carol Service: Wed 12th @6.30pm Christmas Dinner: Fri 14th (School ends at 1.15pm) Last day…

Signed Portadown shirt

Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz sheets will be on sale in school from Monday 3rd December. Each sheet costs £1. Please try to buy as many as possible to help raise funds for the school. Any additional sheets can be picked up from Mr Calvert all next week. There are some wonderful prizes for the lucky winners of…

We’re Back

The school website is up and running again.

We’re back!!

Great news!!! – Our website is brand new and is up and running again. Spread the word and keep an eye on the site for anything exciting that is coming up in school this term!!

P1-P3 Sports Day

On Tuesday and Wednesday we held our two Sports Days with great success. Thank you to Mrs Lennon and all of the staff. Well done to all of the children who took part.

Thank you to family and friends for your excellent support on both days.

School Rugby Team RavenHill Trip

On Tuesday 8th May the school rugby team travelled to Ravenhill to compete against other schools across N.Ireland. In a very tough tournament Seagoe won 2 of their 3 matches, scoring 19 tries in the process. Team: Kyle Fitzpatrick, Jordan McAteer, Luke Boyd, Matthew Vennard, James McDonald, Scott Turkington, Gary Judt, James Brown, Joel Lutton,…

New Term – Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/ Guardian Welcome back to a new term at Seagoe. Christmas already seems a long way in the past but thanks to your generosity at our very successful Carol Service and Nativity performances, we sent a cheque for £350 to “Black Santa” at Belfast Cathedral. Nursery/ P.1 applications Forms for Nursery Unit and Primary…

PTA School calendars for 2012

PTA School calendars for 2012 will be available in school soon. If you would like to order your copy/copies simply fill out the form sent home with your child and return to school by Wednesday 7th December. The calendars are very reasonably priced at £6 per calendar or £10 for two. Please support this fund…