Welcome to our new-look news sheet. As we have lots of photographs online, news sheets will now only carry written notices.
P1 Reading Meeting: Tuesday 7 p.m.
Held in P.6 room- enter through the rear gate. No pupils please- just parents. Remember that P.1 will stay until 2 p.m. from next Mon 5th October.
Online Resources meeting/ PTA AGM: Tuesday 6th October at 6 p.m.
Are you accessing all of our online communications? Do you need some help/support? Are you aware of how to keep your child safe online? We are running this important meeting to help and advise parents. Mr Scott and Mr Calvert will present a workshop on accessing Homeroom, the school website, the Seagoe App and our new resource Purple Mash. Members of the PCP/PSNI will give a presentation on internet safety. There will be a cup of tea followed by the PTA AGM. We are keen to get new faces onto the PTA (especially some Dads!) and hope you will stay to lend your support. Please confirm attendance by email to info@seagoe.portadown.ni.sch.uk or by telephoning the school office.
School Fund
Thank you for your contributions to this vital fund. Last year the fund was used for a wide range of extras that support the school. These included:
- P.3 Play resources
- Playground resources
- Sports fees
- Website upgrade
- Contribution towards Christmas presents for all classes
- Special Needs resources
Any outstanding contributions can still be sent to the school office.
After school activities
The school offers a comprehensive after school programme provided by both our teachers and external providers. There is a mix of free and cost options (either to pay the leader or to cover costs of resources) and parents are encouraged to select the most appropriate for their child. Please ensure that your child is collected promptly at the indicated finish time.
Lost property
A number of items have been mislaid already this year. Please ensure all items are named. In addition, please check that your child has not taken someone else’s belongings home by mistake. If so, please return to school promptly.
Access NI
If you intend volunteering to give lifts to sports matches etc. this year, you will need to complete an Access NI check. The relevant form can be downloaded from the EA website www.selb.org and search for Access NI, or contact the school office.